(256) 261 – 2826
1105 Eagletree Lane SE, Huntsville AL 35801
(256) 261 – 2826
1105 Eagletree Lane SE, Huntsville AL 35801

Quality care

We answer common questions about Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
What is it?
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
What is it?

Flexible sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the distal colon-rectum and sigmoid colon with a fiber optic camera. This is passed through the anus with or without sedation.

This can provide a visual diagnosis and grants the opportunity for biopsy or removal of lesions.

10-15 mins
Procedure duration
No pain
During procedure
We provide it at
Crestwood Medical Center - Special Procedures
1 Hospital Drive Southwest, Huntsville 35801
Go in through back entrance to registration
How to prepare for
the procedure
How the procedure
is performed
Not feeling well
after your procedure?
asked question
and procedures

Want to meet with one
of our medical professionals?

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